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How the idea pop up  =.=?


Almost every month we are expose to lots of pre-loved books and as a book lover ourself, is a treasure trove! So we sought to get some ideas to fully utilize it and why not share the treasure and give books a chance to travel?

The idea sticks around long before it comes true, made possible

thanks to the organization who gives the chance to meet those books, parents who bend the first idea, a friend who called on the last day of April, a friend who always there to backup ideas, an opportunity from AFG that keep us doing fast as time can kill ideas, friends who gives comments, friends who help in different aspects & most thankful to readers that support this idea ^^

All profit will be donated to NGO without any deduction, only profit from books that are bought to be share will be used as our

maintenance fees and all books donation are welcome :)


Our future aim is to get mobilize and reach out to more people.

Why we choose this name?

You may say is not a good name, but we think is depends on you,

whether you thinking positively or negatively. What's your Four Letr Word?



 "Let's leave our books free to travel,
  then to be touched by other hands,
  and enjoyed by others eyes" 
Paulo Ceolho

We are dedicated to promote the love for reading and at the same time making reading a much more easier and

enjoyable experience for all the book lovers in Malaysia.


The smallest bookstore still contains more ideas of worth than have been presented in the entire history of television.

                                                                 ~Andrew Ross

Books are also the perfect antidote to boredom, an elixir for the tired, busy soul and the ultimate thrill ride for the imaginative mind.


If you like us, who love books but find it hard to find a book without breaking into a sweat because

the bookstore or the library is too far!

there just isn't enough time to browse!

buying books just doesn't work for your budget.OR any of the many reasons that keep you or your family from reading.You've come to the right place!


Getting a book to read was never easier! Just imagine, no more haggling withsecond-hand booksellers, no more cramped bookstores with narrow aisles.


Here you'll have plenty of elbow room when you browse! You can rent books for you and your family in one fell swoop. Whats more, you will be doing your green bit. Leave a smaller carbon footprint by borrowing, not buying books.






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